100% OFF - Quickly Unlock the Enormous Power of AdMob - SpriteKit Swift

100% OFF - Quickly Unlock the Enormous Power of AdMob - SpriteKit Swift

Course Description

“How can I build a sustainable app business?” - the most burning question an indie developer has. One way of doing it is through taping into the power of ad networks. Over the past few years I have been messing around implementing all sorts of SDKs including ad network SDKs. It turns out it can be really tricky to implement. I have decided to create a framework to make it as simple as possible. This is how I came up with the idea of the "one line of code" implementation. One line of code The idea is simple: Make it possible so anybody - even those who have no prior programming experience - can implement the AdMob SDK in one line of code. The hard part is to make it so simple that it can be implemented in one line of code but be flexible enough to cover all variations. This is how SmartAdMob came into existence. About the SmartAdMob framework Doing is better than explaining; let me show you how powerful SmartAdMob is. Here is how you show a top banner ad: SmartAdMob.shared.showBannerAd(at: .topWithStatusBar, on: self) Here is how you show an interstitial: SmartAdMob.shared.showInterstitialAd(on: self, withFrequency: .preset) Yes, only one line of code. Go ahead and take a look at the free preview lessons to see it for yourself. When you enroll you will get your hands on SmartAdMob. Here is a list of the features this course offers: get the SmartAdMob framework get a UIKit example project coded in the latest Swift 3 step by step videos showing you how to do it BONUS: get a SpriteKit example project with step by step integration guide SpriteKit game example project included While all of the tutorials out there on the net cover how to add AdMob into a UIKit project, there is not a single one explaining you how to do it for a SpriteKit game. With SmartAdMob this course shows you just that. You'll be having SpriteKit games with AdMob ads in no time. You work only one hour When I created SmartAdMob I had fast integration in mind. I've worked on writing and perfecting it over 137 hours, so you don't have to. You can go through the course in less than an hour and after that you can add AdMob ads to your projects in about 20 minutes max. Time saved for you for more important stuff! My background In the past 6 years I have built a five figure brand / app empire: Rebeloper. I’ve been selling source codes on all the app marketplaces. I’ve been building simple apps for clients for $199 and huge games for $25.000. My team and I have been building a consistent, strong brand for Rebeloper. (You can read about our values on our site) Most importantly, we have tested a plethora of monetisation systems. We’ve tried everything that we could think of. From ads to content marketing, from In-app purchases to posting on Instagram; you name it we most probably have tried and tested it. This is how we managed to survive and now it’s time to give back to the community. It’s time to show it all to you. It’s time for you to not make all the mistakes we made. It’s time for you to learn from our 100.000+ hours combined experience. Want to start making money with apps today? Read on… Why should you enroll into this course? The thing that no-one is talking about is how to make money with apps. There are a ton of tutorials and courses on coding and design, but there is a huge shortage on courses about how to actually make money with your apps. I have decided to come out and create a series of courses that explores, discusses and teaches you how to actually make money with apps. I call them the “How to make money with apps” series. Who am I? I have been a professional iOS developer for more than 6 years now. I’ve experienced the highs and lows of the industry. Now it’s time to share my knowledge with you and other likeminded appreneurs just like you. About this course This course is part of a series on how to make money with apps. It teaches you one way to earn money through advertising. The ad network of our choice is AdMob. You will learn how to integrate AdMob into your projects so your app may show ads the very next day. That is fine and all, but here are the top three reasons why this course is for you: with SmartAdMob you'll be able to show ads with only one line of code the projects are written in Swift and always updated you'll be able to show ads in a SpriteKit game too Most people are stuck when trying to figure out how to make some money with their apps. One of the easiest ways to do it is through ads in their apps. I will cover all the steps needed from signing up for an AdMob account to showing all the ad types supported by AdMob. Best support in the marketplace I answer to all questions within 24 hours or less. If you are stuck or just have a simple question I'm here for you. It’s your turn to build a sustainable app business: Enroll Now!

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Source: www.udemy.com

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